

Media Release: Shopping Centres More Important Than Aviation Safety

Media Release: Shopping Centres More Important Than Aviation Safety

On the 21st of February 2017, a Beechcraft King Air crashed into a building that is part of the Essendon Airport Bulla Road retail precinct, tragically killing all five occupants on board. This accident has put a spotlight on why a shopping centre was built closer to one of Essendon Airport’s runways than international standards allow.

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AusALPA reply to CASA response on the independent report on fatigue rules

AusALPA reply to CASA response on the independent report on fatigue rules

In reply to the release of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority’s (CASA) response to the Independent Report on Australia’s Fatigue Rules, the Australian Air Line Pilots Association (AusALPA,) the technical body representing more than 7000 of Australia’s Professional Pilots has expressed disappointment in CASA’s ability to conduct itself as an Independent Regulator.

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Airport Security Scandal

Airport Security Scandal

A Current Affair Interview with AIPA President, Captain Murray Butt

A veteran Qantas pilot claims there are huge problems with the national screening process.

To ensure better aviation security, he says they need to be fixed.  CLICK HERE to view the interview.


pilots association union

pilots association union

pilots association union