

AusALPA Submission on CASA Part 139 NPRM 1426AS Proposed Updated Rules for Aerodromes

AusALPA Submission on CASA Part 139 NPRM 1426AS Proposed Updated Rules for Aerodromes

AusALPA supports the need to amend the Part 139 and its associated Manual of Standards specifically to align with ICAO Annex 14, except where there is a valid reason (e.g. terrain constraints) not to do so.

The Association has been member of the PIR139 Working Group, along with various major industry stakeholders. We consider the review to have been comprehensive and that the review process has provided broad consultation within the industry.

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AusALPA Comments on the National Airports Safeguarding Framework Draft Update to Guideline B - Managing the Risk of Building Generated Windshear and Turbulence at Airports

AusALPA Comments on the National Airports Safeguarding Framework Draft Update to Guideline B - Managing the Risk of Building Generated Windshear and Turbulence at Airports

As the only stakeholders constantly exposed to these specific environmental risks, AusALPA’s greatest disappointment in the evolution of Guideline B is the apparent inability of the safety message to be heard over the economic development noise created by those decision-makers comfortably remote from the potential accident site. That disappointment stems particularly from the failure of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority to provide robust insider advice to NASAG on all safety matters, properly informed by actual operational experience.

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pilots association union

pilots association union

pilots association union