Safety Matters


IFALPA Aircraft Design and Operations Committee Meeting Update

IFALPA Aircraft Design and Operations Committee Meeting Update

The IFALPA Aircraft Design and Operations (ADO) Committee (and in turn AusALPA's ADO Portfolio) is committed to influencing the design of air transport aircraft, their components, their performance and operation and to improve the working environment of the the individual airline pilot.

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Farewell to the B767

Farewell to the B767

After many years, many miles and many great times both in the air and on the ground, the venerable 767 has left the Qantas fleet.

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Flying, Safety and The Prince of Wales

Flying, Safety and The Prince of Wales

Since 2011, First Officer Mitchell Roggenkamp has been an active member of the AIPA Safety and Technical Committee and has represented both the Association and Defence at numerous industry working groups and forums.

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Technically Speaking

Technically Speaking

This year representatives of the AFAP and AIPA attended a variety of meetings including the Regional Aviation Safety Forum (RASF) in Sydney.

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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

You may not think that snoring is something you should be overly concerned about, but if you are a frequent loud snorer, you could be suffering from a potentially serious sleep disorder, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA).

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pilots association union

pilots association union

pilots association union