Area Forecasts Are Going Graphical The Bureau of Meteorology changed the format of Area Forecasts (ARFORs) from the current text based ARFOR to the more intuitive Graphical Area Forecasts (GAFs) and Grid Point Wind and Temperature Forecasts (GPWTs) on 9 November 2017. Read more>> November 28, 2017
Fatigue Safety Action Group (FSAG) Fatigue is an ongoing consideration for us all, and as part of the FSAG group, we meet monthly to review data and make changes with the aim of improving pilots’ lives from the fatigue perspective. Read more>> November 28, 2017
IFALPA AGE Committee Meeting During the second week of October the Hong Kong Pilots Association (HKALPA) hosted the International Federation of Airline Pilots Association Aerodrome’s, Ground and Environment (AGE) annual committee meeting. Read more>> November 28, 2017
Safety & Technical Update The Safety and Technical (S&T) Team continues to participate in many forums and undertake activities to ensure that high safety standards are maintained in Australia and, through IFALPA, globally. The following is a brief outline of some of the current issues with which your Safety and Technical Committee has been engaged. Read more>> November 28, 2017