Australian Airports Association Conference The Australian Aviation Wildlife Hazard Group (AAWHG) Executive Members, John Pizzino, Jackson Ring, Chris Fox, Jill Brix and I, on behalf of AusALPA, waved the AAWHG flag at the recent Australian Airports Association Conference at the Gold Coast . The team provided a panel session on the ‘hot topics of wildlife hazard... Read more>> January 10, 2020
IFALPA Asia/Pacific Regional Meeting 2019 In early November, pilot associations from all over the Asia Pacific Region gathered in Dhaka, Bangladesh to exchange information and discuss the issues presently facing the region. A total of 30 pilot representatives from over 10 countries were in attendance. AIPA was represented by Captain Shane Loney... Read more>> January 10, 2020
Safety & Technical Update The Safety and Technical (S&T) Team continues to participate in many forums and undertake activities to ensure that high safety standards are maintained in Australia and, through IFALPA, globally. The following is a brief outline of some of the current issues with which your Safety and Technical Committee has been engaged. Read more>> January 10, 2020