Safety Matters


AFAP Safety Interview Support

AFAP Safety Interview Support

In the unlikely event that you encounter a safety-related event during your workday, stay calm, follow your procedures and call the AFAP for assistance...

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Unruly Passengers

Unruly Passengers

Unruly passenger behaviour continues to pose practical and legal challenges to both safety and security in international civil aviation...

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IFALPA Conference 2018: Atypical Employment Models

IFALPA Conference 2018: Atypical Employment Models

In April, pilots from across the globe gathered together for the 73rd annual International Federation of Airline Pilots (IFALPA) conference with 58-member associations in attendance. The conference was preceded by the Global Pilots’ Symposium which is run by the world’s three largest global alliances: Oneworld...

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Enroute Hazardous Meteorological Information - The Future

Enroute Hazardous Meteorological Information - The Future

In the last issue of Altitude, we ran an article from the Hong Kong Observatory on SIGMETs and the attempts to improve this “legacy” meteorological product. In this issue, we look at some of the future possibilities and initiatives to provide better En-route Hazardous Meteorological Information to the user, especially, you, the pilot.

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Why I Volunteer

Why I Volunteer

The majority of personnel involved in AIPA are volunteers and willingly give up their time to help reduce the stressors and improve the quality life of AIPA Tech Crew and their families.

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Safety and Technical Update

Safety and Technical Update

The IFALPA PGA RPWG has released its report which highlights how IFALPA should confront the challenge of the technological uprising, and nascent regulatory and industrial challenges, carried along with the concept of RPAS and the RPs that fly them. AusALPA reps played a pivotal role in drafting the report and were acknowledged for their contribution.

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Weather Forecasting in the Digital Age

Weather Forecasting in the Digital Age

I recently attended the AAMC Expert Group at the invitation of the Hong Kong Observatory and was pleasantly surprised that the meteorologists present were prepared to listen to the users’ needs and were visionary in looking at the future of aviation meteorology. Herbert Puempel, from the WMO, gave the keynote speech and provided a radical look at the future of weather forecasting.

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Safety & Technical Update

Safety & Technical Update

The Safety and Technical (S&T) Team continues to participate in many forums and undertake activities to ensure that high safety standards are maintained in Australia and, through IFALPA, globally. The following is a brief outline of some of the current issues with which your Safety and Technical Committee has been engaged.

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FRMS & Runway Safety Seminar

FRMS & Runway Safety Seminar

On the 15-16th August this year, the AFAP Safety & Technical Committee co-organised a two-day regional FRMS and runway safety training event.

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pilots association union

pilots association union

pilots association union